How best to enjoy our performances
Ready, steady, clap
We’re proud to be an orchestra that welcomes people from all walks of life. Here is some useful information and answers to questions that we hope will make your experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible.
What do I wear?
This is a common one. Smart-casual would probably be your best bet.
How early should I arrive?
Our concerts begin at 7:30pm. We recommend you arrive between 6.45pm for 7.00pm, to allow for the ticket collection process. You’ll then be comfortably ready for the start of the concert by 7.30pm.
How long is the concert?
Most of our concerts are one and a half to two hours long, including an interval of 20 minutes.
When do I clap?
We’re always grateful for an enthusiastic audience! We do ask that you hold your clap until the end of the piece (and kindly request that you not clap between movements). If you’re feeling unsure, take a peek at your programme, or alternatively wait for some of our exuberant audience members to show you the way.
May I take pics & videos?
You’re so welcome to take pictures in the foyer, and before the musicians have taken their place on stage (bonus points if you tag us #JPO). However, out of respect for your fellow patrons, and the musicians, we ask that you keep your phone on silent throughout the performance and refrain from checking it, taking pictures or videos.
Are there dinner options close by?
The Linder Auditorium is located a few kilometres from some delicious dining spots. In-house, you can enjoy Cafe 27 Degrees, the restaurant affiliated with the Linder Auditorium. Some other local favourites include Olives and Plates and Mike’s Heritage House. A little further afield, you will find the famed 44 Stanley, where you will find some trendy, well-known eateries and cafes.
I still have more questions…
When it comes to figuring out how our concerts work, and what you need to know to make it an unforgettable experience, there are no trivial or irrelevant questions. We’d love to answer you directly, either ahead of time or on the night. You can reach our offices on +27 (0)11 484 0440, or chat to one of our friendly ushers on the night.